The Mystery of the Devil’s Promenade
October 9, 2008 by admin
Filed under Mysterious Places
The road that the Hornet Spooklight is seen on For over a hundred years there has been a paranormal mystery along a prevoiusly red dirt but now paved road in northeast Oklahoma. It has been called the Hornet Spook Light or the Devil’s Promenade by the local community. It has been mostly reported as an […]
Dead Children’s Playground
October 9, 2008 by admin
Filed under Haunted Places
Located at 1351 McClung Avenue in Southeast Huntsville, Alabama, the Dead Children’s Playground is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Alabama. This haunted attraction is found in the middle of the Maple Hill Cemetery, which holds the distinction of being the largest and oldest cemetery in all of Alabama. This cemetery […]